What is the NAICS Code?

What is the NAICS Code?

Originally Published: Nov 15, 2021 NAICS is an abbreviation for The North American Industry Classification System and is a standard used to now classify business…

What is a Company Key?

What is a Company Key?

Original Post Date: Oct 25, 2021 A Company Key in Ontario provides protection to an incorporated or registered business where a Company Key is required…

Ontario Realtors Can Now Incorporate

Ontario Realtors Can Now Incorporate

Establish Personal Real Estate Corporations For several years, the Ontario Real Estate Association (OREA), Real Estate Council of Ontario (RECO) and realtors across Ontario have…

Professional Incorporation Ontario

Professional Incorporation Ontario

The Ontario government introduced Professional Incorporations in 2000 as an option for those who hold a professional designation to incorporate their practices. A Professional Incorporation…

Incorporating as a Chartered Professional Accountant

Incorporating as a Chartered Professional Accountant

Professional Incorporations is a specific designation in Ontario allowing professionals to incorporate their practice including Chartered Professional Accountants. As part of the Incorporation process, CPA’s…