How to Search Who Owns a Business?
When you want to find who owns a business, you can search the corporate records for the business whether its an incorporated company, Sole Proprietorship, General Partnership, Partnership or trade name.
Where to look?
If the business is within Canada, the corporate records are maintained by the jurisdiction where the business either incorporated or registered. If the business was registered or has an address in British Columbia, as an example, the corporate records within B.C. can be searched and the owner information obtained.
Typically, the business is usually registered wherever the consumer is located and if you have the address of the business, that is the go to location to find the specifics of the business owner.
If you are not sure where the business is located specifically, there are a few databank searches that can garnish the home jurisdiction of any company.
What additional information is available?
When you complete what is commonly called a Profile Report or Corporate Search to gain who the owner of a business is, there are additional information included in the report, such as the correct legal name of business, how long the business has operated, if the business is active, the type of business activity and address for the owner or owners.
Can I search a business owner name to find the businesses owned?
We are asked this question all of the time and unfortunately, the databanks have been set up to track company information as the lead piece of information. We cannot search for example Bob Brown to find what businesses he operates. We can only search the business name to find out the owner is Bob Brown.
How can I order this information?
At Ontario Business Central, we have been obtaining corporate information on existing businesses across Canada since 1992. You can order online with us directly and most jurisdictions provide the results to the corporate search request on a same day basis. We will email the results directly to the email address you provide to us.
The fees to obtain this report will vary, depending on the jurisdiction it is ordered from. Below are the fees for obtaining a Profile Report from each jurisdiction:
Ontario $76.93
Alberta $82.33
B.C. $77.61
Manitoba $74.93
New Brunswick $72.32
Newfoundland $68.93
Northwest Territories $70.93
Nova Scotia $81.38
Nunavut $72.93
P.E.I. $68.93
Quebec $68.93
Saskatchewan $74.93
Yukon $93.93
Canada $68.93
You can use the link below to order a Profile Report, selecting the jurisdiction that the corporation is registered in:
If you have any questions about obtaining a Profile Report or any other corporate searches, please feel free to contact our staff for additional information and assistance.
Toll-Free: 1-800-280-1913
Local: 1-416-599-9009
Fax: 1-866-294-4363
Office Hours: 9:00am – 5:00pm
Monday – Friday E.S.T.
Ontario Business Central Inc. is not a law firm and cannot provide a legal opinion or advice. This information is to assist you in understanding the requirements of registration within the chosen jurisdiction. It is always recommended, when you have legal or accounting questions that you speak to a qualified professional.