The Ontario Business Central Blog


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The Do’s and Don’ts of Choosing a Business Partner 

The Do’s and Don’ts of Choosing a Business Partner

Working with others to establish and grow a business partnership can be hugely beneficial, when each individual brings different skills, abilities and perspectives. Having multiple...
6 ways to beat procrastination

6 Foolproof Ways to Conquer Procrastination

We’re all guilty of it. No matter how negatively it impacts our lives, whether at home, school or work, we can’t seem to stop doing...
seven things to check off your list before 9am

The 7 Things You Need to Check off Your List Before 9am

It’s actually quite incredible how the way you start the day can dramatically impact how the rest of your day plays out. If your morning...
craftshow festival flea market vendors

How to Become a Vendor at a Festival, Flea Markets or Craft Shows

This past weekend, I attended the Cranberry Festival in Bala.  The town of Bala has a small population of under 6000 people but when the...
business taxation for new immigrants

New Immigrants, Business and Taxation

Whether you are a new resident of Canada or a non-resident, there are plenty of opportunities to create a new business or bring your existing...
what is required for incorporating in Canada

What is required to Incorporate in Canada?

Creating a corporation in Canada has a number of benefits over small business registration. A corporation is considered to be a separate legal entity from...
trade name business registration

What is a Trade Name For a Business?

One of the benefits of incorporating is having the ability to register Trade Names under your existing corporation. Trade names are also referred to as...
12 amazing business apps

12 Amazing Apps for Your Business!!

In Canada, almost one third of our economy is generated by small to medium size businesses just like yours. We have searched to find a...