Change Your Business Address

female business owner

As a business owner, it’s important that you keep the information on file for your business up to date any time there’s a change. Any business address updates should be made within 15 days of the change taking place, but even if that time has passed, the change of address to your business should be filed.

What will I need to update and change my address on my Master Business Licence?

If you’re looking to make changes to your current Master Business Licence, it’s best to have a copy of the current registration available. You’ll need some of the information on the licence in order to make changes, so if you have access to the current document it makes things easier.

In order to change the business address, you’ll need the following information which can be found on the current Master Business Licence:

  • Business Name (exactly as registered)
  • Business Registration Number (9 digit registration number)
  • Type of Registration (Sole Proprietorship, Partnership or Tradename)

After you have this information, you can make the necessary address changes and get a revised Master Business Licence that shows your new business address.

Change the address on your Master Business Licence

What changes can I make to a Master Business Licence?

There are several other changes that you are able to make to your Master Business Licence when you’re filing an amendment, and all of the changes can be made in one filing.

Depending on whether you’ve got a Sole Proprietorship, General Partnership or Tradename, there are different changes that can be made to each.

Sole Proprietorship acceptable changes:

  • Business and/or Business Mailing Address
  • Individual(s) Address(es)
  • Business Activity

General Partnership acceptable changes:

  • Business and/or Business Mailing Address
  • Individual(s) Address(es)
  • Business Activity
  • Add/remove a partner (a minimum of 2 owners must remain)

Tradename (operating name under an existing corporation) acceptable changes:

  • Business and/or Business Mailing Address
  • Business Activity
  • If the Corporation has either had a name change or has Amalgamated, you can update the current Corporate Name on the Tradename registration

Change / Amend Your Master Business Licence

What changes cannot be made to a Master Business Licence?

There are some changes that are not able to be made to a Master Business Licence through any sort of amendment.

Sole Proprietorship unacceptable changes:

  • Business Name
  • Change the Individual from one person to another (The only time an individual’s name can be changed, is if a person has their name legally changed and can provide a copy of the Driver’s Licence reflecting the change)
  • Change from a Sole Proprietor to a General Partnership/Tradename

General Partnership unacceptable changes:

  • Business Name
  • Change from a General Partnership to a Sole Proprietor/Tradename

Tradename unacceptable changes:

  • Business Name
  • Change authorizing director’s information

If you’re looking to make any of these changes, there are no types of amendments that can be filed to complete them. In order to do any of these unaccepted changes, you may have to register a completely new Master Business Licence and cancel the old one, if you are no longer using it.

New Business Registration

Cancel Current Registration

Renew and change

If you are looking to make changes to a Master Business Licence, but your registration is coming up for renewal, you can make the accepted changes at the same time you’re renewing your licence.

Master Business Licences need to be renewed every five years in order to stay active. So, if you need to change or amend your Master Business Licence at the same time it’s ready to be renewed, you can do it all in one filing. When filling out the renewal form, simply include the new address for the business as you want it to appear.

Renew Current Registration

Do I need to file changes to my Master Business Licence?

As a business owner, you are responsible for making the necessary changes and amendments to your Master Business Licence. It’s important to keep your business records updated with current information for a number of different reasons.

  • Legal action – If legal action is being taken against a business, you may not receive important documents if the business and mailing addresses are not kept up to date. Judgements may go against you, without your knowledge or input, if these documents are unable to be delivered.
  • Banking – Banks will always want to be updated with the most current information for your business. So, if there are address changes or changes to the owners listed on file, you will want to show the bank the updated Master Business Licence so they can keep you account records up to date, including who is authorized to access the accounts.
  • CRA – Revenue Canada may use the information on file for a Master Business Licence to contact the owner(s) if there are any issues with the business.

How long does it take to get these different filings completed?

Change / Amend Your Master Business Licence takes 1 business day
Registering a New Master Business Licence: Monday through Friday, same business day if order is received prior to 3pm
Canceling a Master Business Licence takes 1 business day

If you would like further information, please feel free to reach out to any of our staff who are always here to assist entrepreneurs to amend their businesses. Ontario Business Central has been assisting individuals for the last 25 years. Our mandate is to help individuals who wish to become entrepreneurs and our sole mission is to provide an easy online platform to assist with your dream of business ownership.
Toll-Free: 1-800-280-1913
Local: 1-416-599-9009
Fax: 1-866-294-4363
Office Hours: 9:00am – 5:00pm
Monday – Friday E.S.T.

Ontario Business Central Inc. is not a law firm and cannot provide a legal opinion or advice. This information is to assist you in understanding the requirements of registration within the chosen jurisdiction. It is always recommended, when you have legal or accounting questions that you speak to a qualified professional.