Whether you are looking for the current corporate information on file, the status of an existing corporation or a copy of the original documentation filed, you can easily access this data and have it sent to you by email.
A broad spectrum of corporate and business searches lets you obtain an array of information about a business, and most corporate searches are available on a same day basis and sent by email in PDF format.
You can obtain all kinds of information for an existing registered or incorporated business anywhere in Canada. You can order one or multiple items for one or multiple businesses, including any of the following:
We can provide the information to you quickly and easily on a same day basis for most searches, Monday through Friday when you place an order before 3PM EST.
All you need is the name of the business and what Province the business operates within and simply click what details you would like for the business.
The corporate search offers current details for the corporation/small business including confirmation of whether the business is a corporation or small business, legal address, current directors/principals, how long the business has been established, if active and may additionally provide the business activity (small business only).”
This is requested for a variety of reasons including:
The certificate of Status or Compliance is typically a one page certificate that verifies if a corporation is active or inactive on the date of request. This certificate is only available for incorporated companies.
This is requested for a variety of reasons including:
The Articles of Incorporation are the original corporate documents when you have set up an Ontario incorporated company.
Each corporation within Ontario has its own microfiche record of the Articles of Incorporation. The microfiche for any Ontario incorporation can be retrieved from the Provincial databank within 3 to 5 business days of request. The corporate microfiche not only maintains the Articles of Incorporation but any other article filings for the corporation such as Articles of Amendment, Articles of Revival, and Articles of Dissolution. The microfiche also maintains any notices of change filed on behalf of the corporation with updates to addresses, directors, officers of the corporation prior to 1995. The Articles of Incorporation are requested mostly when the owners of the business have misplaced their original copy of the documents.
The Point in Time report provide the details of the corporation including the head office address, directors and officers names and addresses at a specific timeframe. Often this report is requested when an individual wants to see historically who owned and operated a corporation.
From June 1992, a document List provides a listing of the corporate records overall filed on behalf of the corporation. This document will show any and all articles filed, any Notices of Change updating the address, directors or officers of the corporation and any notices of default provided by either the federal or Provincial governments.
The Business Names List provides the name and BIN number of any current Master Business Licences (operating names) currently held by a corporation.
The Document Replica is requested to obtain a replacement copy of a current Master Business Licence in Ontario whether the registration is a Sole Proprietorship, General Partnership or Tradename.
The BNLP Document List provides all filings attached to a specific Master Business Licence including the registration, any changes, renewals or cancellations.
The Business Names Report provides details of a current Master Business Licence including business address, owners, owners address, the date of registration and business activity.
The PPSA (Personal Property Securities Act) search allows you to search an individual or corporation for any current loans under motor vehicles, equipment, inventory or consumer goods.
The Bank Act Certificate provides if any financial institution in Canada has first priority on any debt owing including goods and equipment.
The Official Receiver is a databank held by the Registrar General of Canada and maintains a databank of bankruptcy filings of either an individual or a corporation. The certificate will either provide details or the bankruptcy or confirm there are no bankruptcies listed.
The Bankruptcy Search is a manual search conducted at the local courthouse to the individual or corporation being searched. This will indicate of an individual or corporation has been petitioned into bankruptcy within Ontario.
The Litigation Searches are available to search within the local courthouse for either an individual or corporation to see if there are litigations files listed. Often the litigation searches are ordered to see if an individual or corporation has had issues with previous lenders and creditors.
If you want to know the details of a new business you intend to do business with, are searching your own business to obtain a copy of your registration or who is currently listed as a director or officer of your corporation, we are here to help. If you are looking at pursuing an existing business with a legal matter, you will want to ensure you have the correct details associated with the business before pursuing.
If you have questions about the products to order, please reach out to our friendly and knowledgeable staff.
1-800-280-1913 / 416-599-9009