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Order a Corporate Profile Report Online

Our fee $53.90
Handling $12.00
Government fee varies by jurisdiction
Corporate Profile Report

Are you in need of information concerning an existing Corporation, business or trademark across Canada? When you order a corporate profile report, you will be provided with the following information:

What Information Do We Need From You?

The only information we would require to obtain a Corporate Profile Report would be the name or number of the business and where you believe the business to reside including all of the provinces and territories across Canada including:

What Type Of Business Can I Search For?

You can search any incorporated company in Canada both profit and Not For Profit, any registered businesses including Sole Proprietorships, General Partnership, Trade Names, Limited Partnerships, Extra Provincial Licences, Amalgamated corporations, Professional Corporations, Master Business Licences (historic) and Business Name registrations.

What If I Am Not Sure Of The Correct Corporate Or Business Name?

If you aren't sure of the correct legal name or jurisdiction, we can complete a business name search for you to assist you to determine the correct identity of the business prior to ordering the corporate profile report. You can search 3 businesses at the same time or you can search just one business identity and we will send you what is visible across most of Canada.

Do You Receive Any Financial Information For Corporations In Report?

No, there is no financial aspect of the corporation or registered business in a corporate profile report. If you wish to determine information related to a corporations financial well being, there are a few items available. You can request a Dunn & Bradstreet report which is a voluntary submission from corporations to this firm but it is used commonly. Another option is to complete due diligence searches on the corporation. The searches available are bankruptcy, official receiver, PPSA searches, litigation searches, and Bank Act. These searches should provide a fair idea about the financial standing of any corporation. These searches are not available for registered businesses such as Sole Proprietorships, General Partnership, or Partnerships as these business types are held and represented by the individual owners. The due diligence searches for registered businesses can be completed on the individual owners but not the registered business names.

Why Use Ontario Business Central?


Ontario Business Central has been searching existing businesses throughout Canada for over 30 years. Our first goal is to find the business name. If we have issues finding the exact business name as you have provided, we will send you a listing of similar business names from our multiple data-bank search retrieval systems for you to review and confirm which business name you would like us to search.

Timely results within minutes

We search, find, retrieve and email you the results of the business name within minutes of placing your order.

Search results from across Canada

Ontario Business Central accesses a wide range of databases to search for existing businesses across Canada. No matter the jurisdiction or province, if the business exists, we can help you find it.

Allow Ontario Business Central to help you obtain a Corporate Profile Report on your behalf.

If we can be of assistance, or if you have any questions about this service, please feel free to reach out to our staff for any clarification or assistance you may require.

Ontario Business Central Inc. is not a law firm and cannot provide a legal opinion or advice. This information is to assist you in understanding the requirements of registration within the chosen jurisdiction. It is always recommended, when you have legal or accounting questions that you speak to a qualified professional.

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Office Hours: 9:00am - 5:00pm
Monday - Friday E.S.T.